Why You Should Consider Doing A Photo A Day "Project"

A photo a day project, photo a day challenge, 365 challenge, or whatever you call it, you should consider doing it.

What is a photo a day project?

Take a photo every day. That’s kind of it. Sounds simple enough, right? Some people take a photo of the same scene every day, say the view out of their dorm room window or the same spot on their commute to work. Others take a photo of themselves every day as a way to document their newfound interest in fitness. Still, others choose a new subject each day. The options of what you photograph are of course limitless and completely up to you.

What it is not. This is not you simply taking random photos throughout the day and year. The idea is to have an idea of a particular subject or subjects to photograph.

This is also not about taking amazing photos, though you should certainly take the best photo you can. Some, likely many, of your photos will not be that interesting from a technical or creative stand point but that’s not the point, the goal is to challenge yourself to see from changing perspectives. How many ways can you really take a selfie, or photograph a flower? How does my child change throughout a single month or year?

My Photo A Day Project

Last year I took a morning selfie and sent it to my sister, every day, first thing in the morning. This was a very unflattering self-portrait, one I knew would help set the tone for my little sister’s day. I’m just that kind of brother! I didn’t plan on doing this daily, I had never heard of a daily photo project but after a few days of this, I realized that I wanted to create something special at the end of the year. My plan was to send her a photo every day and at the end of the year create a mosaic of the photos. Mosaic coming soon!


Why It Might Be For You

Become A Better Photographer

The benefits and joys of a daily photograph challenge or project are numerous. For starters, you’ll become a better photographer. By taking a photo a day you will begin to see new ways to photograph a subject, you’ll begin to see details you never did before.

Become more reflective

A photo a day project can also help you become more reflective. Regardless of what you decide to photograph you will inevitably begin to take a step back and think a little more deeply about what your subject, which can easily lead to that same line of thinking to other aspects of your life.

Capture Life’s Important Moments

We tend to photograph major events in life, birth, birthdays, graduations, weddings; repeat. There is nothing wrong with this of course. But life is so much more! When it’s all said and done our lives are made up of tiny, seemingly insignificant moments but that after a lifetime make up the majority of what you’ve done and more importantly, these are the memories we enjoy most. Photograph your morning walk with the dog, your kids in the bath, your spouse being a goofball, whatever your tiny moments are, photograph them.

Relieve Stress and Battle Depression

This one may be a bit of a surprise to some but there is ample proof that photography can help alleviate stress and help fight depression.

Interesting Photo-a-Day Project Ideas


There are tons of photo a day projects out there and even more that haven’t been imagined yet. Here are our top 5 photo a day project ideas.


I’m kind of cheating here by grouping all portraits together but I can do that, I’m the one creating the list!

Selfie, you can do as I did and take goofy photos of yourself or you can document your physical change as you get in shape. Or maybe you just like to take selfies.

Kids, photographing your children is likely something you already do, now do it with a goal. It may be helpful to pick a specific time to photograph your kids, a good time is just after they wake up.

Friends, daily portraits of friends and family can be a fun way to share your project with those you love.

Pets, who doesn’t love a pet portrait?

Photo Journal

a photo journal is a great way to document your daily activities. Snap a few photos throughout the day then review them in the evening to see which photo best represents your day, then add a short (or long) caption describing your day. This is a wonderful way to become more reflective.


Sunrise or Sunset - no matter where you are there’s going to be a sunrise and a sunset. Flowers are a very popular choice as well, my mother loves photographing flowers. Anything outdoors will work.

Your view - photographing the same view each day will provide you with a wonderful opportunity to see the same ol view in a new way. Take a photo from your kitchen window or your office terrace.

Your Obsession

spark of joy - Whatever it is you love, coffee, books, shoes, etc

Everyday Objects

Find interest in the mundane.

Bad Photo a Day Project Ideas

Things we don’t think are a good idea for a photo a day project


It’s not that we don’t enjoy food, we love it. And we get why people want to share with others their excitement about what they’re eating. But photographing food in a way that makes it even slightly visually appealing is difficult. So, unless you’re in the food industry leave this one to the pros.

That’s it, just don’t take photos of food.

Begin Your Photo a Day Project

As you begin this project it may seem like you’re getting the same photo every time, especially if you choose to photograph the same subject or view but trust that after a few months or even weeks you will begin to see how each image is unique. Now get out there and begin your daily photo project and don’t forget to share your journey with us by tagging your photos #shelbystudiophotoproject

Jacob Shelby1 Comment